Please advise of any allergies so we can ensure your tamaiti needs are met. Together we will make a health plan to minimise the risk to your tamaiti while at preschool.
While we respect all individual whanau beliefs regarding tamaiti immunisation, we legally require a copy so we can inform you of any contagious illnesses within the centre if your tamaiti is not immunised.
If your tamaiti requires medication while at Waitaki Valley Preschool you must fill out the correct form when you drop your tamaiti off. NO medication is given unless this is completed. We ask that all medication is taken from tamaiti bags and handed to a kaiako.
Please keep your tamaiti at home if they are showing signs of illness.
We have a ’traffic light’ system advertised at our entrance to provide clear guidelines of action when their tamariki are unwell. These signs can include a high temperature, upset stomach, diarrhoea and sore throat. If they have had bouts of vomiting or diarrhoea they must have at least 48 hours without showing these symptoms before returning. If tamariki have infected or open sores they must be covered for their own safety.
The Public Health Nurse, Group Special Education staff and the local Speech Language Therapist are able to visit preschool. These people can be contacted through us, please talk to the teaching team if you have any enquiries or wish to contact them.
Any accidents/injuries that occur during the day are recorded on the relevant forms and you will be requested to view and sign these if your tamaiti has had an accident. Whanau or caregivers will be contacted immediately if the injury is serious.